2026 Getaway Cruise

Poster for Right of Center events 2026 cruise with guest speaker Brandon Straka.

Only $200 per cabin deposit required (single or double occupancy). We’re teaming up with Tess Davis Travel to bring you an awesome cruise!

Next events:

Escorted Spain Tour 2026

Mediterranean Cruise 2027

For questions or concerns,

email: Info@rightofcenterevents.com. Or call us at (727) 282-5667 and leave a message. We’ll get back to you in 24 hours.

2026 Getaway Cruise Guest Speaker

Brandon Straka, The founder of the #Walkaway Campaign, launched an explosive movement after his original YOUTUBE video explaining why he was leaving the Democratic Party. He now travels throughout the US to speak about his journey, while continuing his mission to help save America.  You can find out more at Brandonstraka.com